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International recruiting: 9 key considerations for companies interested in global hiring

In our ever more connected world, a growing number of firms are tuning into the benefits and feasibility of international recruiting.
International recruiting. By Christina @ on Unsplash

Expanding a company’s reach into global markets is a compelling opportunity for development and success in today’s interconnected world. International recruiting is a vital aspect of this expansion process.  

Establishing a legal presence in a foreign country can be a complicated, time-consuming effort. Thankfully, there are options for international recruiting that can help companies achieve their goals and build a global team without setting up legal entities in multiple jurisdictions.

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Determining the most suitable approach depends on many factors, such as deadlines, job requirements, legal obligations, and long-term goals. When it comes to international recruitment, there is no universal answer that fits everyone, so planning properly for your situation can help you optimize the expansion of your company. 

Contact us if you’re interested in learning more about international recruiting. 

9 aspects of international recruiting 

It is important to define the goals of the projects for which you are planning on international recruiting. This clarity will enable you to effectively communicate your needs to potential providers and attract those with the necessary qualifications. Here are some important aspects to take into consideration. 

Serviap Global graphic on international recruiting.
International recruiting means taking a number of things into consideration

1) Embracing remote work 

The first thing to contemplate when investing in international recruiting is adapting your company activities to make having a distributed workforce viable. That generally means embracing remote working. This approach allows businesses to recruit top talent from around the world, regardless of geographical boundaries, as the advance of technology has made virtual teams more accessible than ever. 

2) Partnering with an EOR (employer of record) 

One great option for international recruiting is collaborating with an employer of record that will act as your legal representation in your target country. An EOR is a third-party provider that specializes in hiring professionals through its own international entities or partner organizations. With a deep understanding of local job markets, they assist in talent sourcing, recruitment, and management. 

3) Handling legal compliance 

International recruiting includes having to deal with all relevant regional employment laws, as well as handling administration and payroll. If you work with an EOR (also known as a Professional Employer Organization), they can assume full legal responsibility for your company, eliminating unexpected legal issues. They can take care of regular reporting obligations, including tax payments, benefits, and paid time off. 

4) Using independent contractors 

Another viable option for international recruiting is engaging freelancers and independent contractors. Companies can find experts for short-term projects or long-term collaborations without the need to establish a full-time employee contract. Contractors provide their services while not legally being a part of the payroll. Hiring international contractors can be done directly or via an EOR. 

5) Avoiding employee misclassification 

Contractors work under different rights and obligations than full-time employees. They may work similarly to other official collaborators, but will be protected by divergent regulations, and need to be classified properly.

Three people working around a table to illustrate article on international recruiting. By Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.
Compliance is key in international recruiting

This means you must understand the risks of contractor misclassification, so you don’t face legal complications and even potential fines. 

6) Interviewing virtually 

Virtual interviews and assessments have become commonplace in the modern workforce. Utilizing video conferencing and online review tools can streamline the candidate evaluation process and help companies identify the most suitable candidates from a diverse applicant pool. 

7) Embracing cultural diversity 

International recruiting requires strategies to create a mixed workforce, which is a crucial topic for clever businesses. Understanding the local culture, traditions, and communication styles can facilitate smoother interchanges with candidates from different backgrounds. The benefits of remote working appeal to employees of many configurations, which is a good way to boost diversity and innovation. 

8) Maintaining clear communication 

Establish favored contact methods with remote employees to ensure compatibility. Ensure you have accessible means of communication, such as email, video, and project management tools. Distributed workforce management thrives on setting clear expectations, providing timely feedback, and establishing a sense of inclusion despite physical distance and time zone differences.  

9) Provide professional opportunities 

Remote employees often value opportunities for professional growth and development. Companies can attract and retain top talent by offering training programs, workshops, and skill-enhancement opportunities to nurture their careers. This can make international recruiting more efficient as it improves employee retention and company expansion. 

Benefits of international recruiting and remote work 

International recruiting presents an opportunity to discover outstanding talent in countries that might have been overlooked previously. Moreover, you can often enjoy competitive rates, increase your ability to network globally and tap into new potential in diverse markets. 

Two women at a computer to illustrate article on international recruiting. By Christina @ on Unsplash.
International recruiting builds multiculturalism

Having a presence in various places, both near and far from home, brings added advantages, such as the possibility to exploit asynchronous working and benefit from more foreign languages and cultural knowledge. This way, you can achieve enhanced customer service capabilities, accelerating progress expansion. 

Another benefit is the notable cost reductions in office space. When a portion of your workforce operates remotely, you can downsize or eliminate physical office locations for your company. Face-to-face meetings and other events can still be accommodated by renting temporary collaborative hub spaces. 

It’s important to remember that taking your business beyond borders need not entail an overwhelming investment of time and money. Depending on your international recruiting and staff selection strategy, the process can be more affordable and achievable than you might anticipate. 

According to a study published by NBER, the increased practices of remote work have advanced contracts diversity and lowered labor costs. They found that firms are more likely to leverage remote part-time employees and independent contractors, which can diminish expenses. International recruiting can also affect employee turnover rates and the costs of selecting and onboarding new personnel. 

Serviap Global can help with efficient international recruiting 

At Serviap Global, we provide international recruiting assistant through our international PEO / EOR services. We have a presence worldwide in more than 100 countries, where we also provide global talent acquisition services to companies looking to hire candidates directly. 

We have more than 13 years of experience in facilitating global hiring and are commited to service excellence wherever we assist companies.

Contact us to find out how we can assist you in international recruiting.

Serviap Global helps companies interested in hiring global talent

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