Trinidad and Tobago
Knowledge Base

Frequently asked question, important data and information on EOR.

General information

$ 17.50 per hour TT

Labor Law

Laws that regulate Labor Relationship

• The Industrial Stabilisation Act
• Occupational Safety and Health Act
• Retrenchment and Severance Benefits Act
• Maternity Protection Act

Onboarding guide

Requirements for a labor contract

• Sign date
• Employee’s name
• Company’s name
• Monthly salary
• Company’s address
• Start date
• End date
• Hours and working days
• Seniority date

Pre-hire Medical exam

Pre-employment medical is required by law for permanent employees who are employed in an industrial establishment/office. There are no provisions in the law for employees who work remotely.

Types of contracts

• Indefinite
• Fixed-Term
• Part-Time
• Agency contract
• Contractor agreement
• Casual contract.

Probation Period

Private firms are free to decide their employees’ probationary period.

Are offer letters mandatory in the country?

Not Mandatory.

Are digital signatures in labor contracts valid?


Mandatory onboarding documents

• Resume
• Identity Card (both sides)
• Certificate of studies
• Bank Account Certificate
• National insurance registration card

Statutory benefits

Annual Bonus

A 13th-month salary payment in Trinidad and Tobago is not mandatory.

Additional bonus

Bonuses are granted at the employer’s discretion; these tend to be performance-based.

Leaves (medical, maternity, paternity, etc.)

• Sick leave: 14 days of paid leave annually.
• Maternity leave: 14 weeks of paid maternity leave following one year of continuous service within an organization. One month full pay and two months half pay by her employer. It can be extended by four to twelve additional weeks of leave in the event of pregnancy-related illnesses.

Annual Leave (days per year)

There are no statutory leave provisions that apply to workers in general

How do vacation days expire?

The annual leave entitlement depends on the employee’s industry and sector with the entitlement stipulated in the employment contract/collective bargaining agreement. Including the way the vacations days could expire.

Official Holidays

•1 Jan, New Year’s Day
•30 Mar, Spiritual Baptist Liberation Day
•7 Apr, Good Friday
•9 Apr, Eastern Day.
•10 Apr, Easter Monday
•22 Apr, Eid ul-Fitr
•30 May, Indian Arrival Day
•8 Jun, Corpus Christi
•19 Jun, Labour Day
•1 Aug, Emancipation Day
•31 Aug, Independence Day
•24 Sep, Republic Day
•25 Sep, Republic Day Holiday
•12 Nov, Divali
•25 Dec, Christmas Day
•26 Dec, Boxing Day

Working on holidays and Sundays

Paid at 100% extra on top of the regular wage.

Number of Working hours

 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week. Typically, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Paid at 50% extra on top of the regular wage, for the first additional four hours of overtime. Above fourth hour, the overtime is paid at 100% extra on top of the regular wage.

Social Security (what does it cover)

•Health insurance benefits: National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago (NIBTT)
•Injury benefit: This is paid for up to 52 weeks while the person recovers from injuries.
•Disablement benefit: This is paid either monthly or as a lump sum if the person becomes disabled.
•Medical expenses: The person can receive a cash payment to put toward medical expenses.
•Death benefit: This is a monthly payment to dependents in the event of the person’s death.


Salary payment currency

Trinidad and Tobago Dollar (TTD)

Can salary be paid in a different currency other than the local currency?


Payment frequency


VAT percentage


Income Tax

The income tax rate for individuals with chargeable income less than TTD 1 million is 25%. For chargeable income in excess of TTD 1 million, the rate of tax applicable is 30%.

Tax Payer Identification Number

Board of Inland Revenue file number (BIR file number)


Voluntary resignation

Conditions for a volunteer resignation of an employee could be established in the contract in agreement for both parts.

Contract termination

There is no legislation governing termination of contract in general in Trinidad and Tobago, and Common Law applies in the absence of termination provisions in a collective agreement. There may be termination by performance, by expiry of a fixed term, by agreement of the parties or by breach. An employer has the right to dismiss an employee for just cause. The Common Law on summary and constructive dismissal also applies.

Justified Dismissal

There must be a valid reason to let an employee go. Therefore, the employer must investigate any misconduct. If the employee has broken any policies, then they must be told so and given the opportunity to respond. The employee must always be warned that their job is in jeopardy and given fair trial. However, if there is gross misconduct, the employer does not need to give notice.

Unjustified Dismissal

When an employee alleges unjust dismissal, he or she may seek union representation, and if there is no settlement, it can be taken to Industrial Court. There they could argue for reinstatement or re-employment,
compensation or damages, which include exemplary damages in lieu of reinstatement. There is no law the court is bound to follow. They will base their decision on an opinion of fairness.

Severance pay is officially only given to employees terminated due to redundancy, or ‘retrenched’. Some employees may still give payment other than in cases of redundancy, however, it is rare when the employee is
terminated for cause. Terminated employees are owed their accrued benefits.

Minimum Notice Period

Usually in collective agreements and individual contracts a requirement for notice of termination is stipulated. For monthly paid employees this notice period is usually one month.


Visa process

1. Complete the application form online
2. The system would automatically generate a confirmation code
3. The Applicant must also visit the Ministry of National Security to provide any supporting documentation. Confirmation code will be required at the Ministry of National Security appointment

Visa documents

• Photograph of the candidate
• Police Certificate of Character (if duration exceeds 3 months)
• Contract of employment
• Resumé/ CV
• Academic Certificate(s)
• Bio-data page of Passport
• Written Character Reference
• Employer’s Contract(s) to Perform Work

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