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Labor Law

Laws that regulate Labor Relationship

• Labor code
• Constitution of Panama
• Tax Code

Onboarding guide

Requirements for a labor contract

• Name, nationality, age, sex, marital status, domicile, and identity card number of the parties. When the employer is a legal entity, its name or corporate name, its domicile, the name of its legal representative, and its registration data in the public registry must be stated.
• Name of the persons living with the worker and those who depend on him/her.
• Specific determination of the agreed work or services and the modalities related to the same, agreed for its execution.
• Place or places where the service is to be rendered.
• Duration of the contract if it is for a fixed term or the corresponding statement if it is for an indefinite term or a specific work.
• Duration and regular division of the working day.
• The salary, form, day, and place of payment.
• Place and date of celebration.
• Signature of the parties if they can do so, or the impression of their fingerprint in the presence of witnesses who sign at their request, and proof of official approval of the contract in the cases required by the Labor Code.

It must be written and signed at the beginning of the employment relationship in three (3) copies, one for the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development, one for the company, and one for the employee.

Article 68, Labor Code

Pre-hire Medical exam

Not mandatory

Types of contracts

• Indefinite
• Fixed-term
• For a specific work

Article 74. A contract for a definite term must always be in writing, and the term of its duration may not exceed one year; in the case of services requiring special technical preparation, the term of the contract may be stipulated up to a maximum of three years.
Article 77. The employment relationship shall be considered for an indefinite term:
1. If upon expiration of the term of a contract for a definite term, the worker continues to render services.
2. In the case of a contract for the execution of a specific work, if the worker continues rendering the same tasks, after the work has been concluded.
3. When successive contracts for a definite term or for a specific work are entered into, or the agreement does not adjust to the nature of the service, or if it is evident, from the number and total duration of the contracts, that there is an intention to conceal an indefinite term relationship.
The clause whereby a contract is entered into for the execution of a specific work shall only be valid when such clause is expressly recorded in writing, unless it is one of the exceptions provided for in Article 67, and the nature of the work permits it.

Probation Period

The probation period is 3 months.

Are offer letters mandatory in the country?

Not Mandatory

Are digital signatures in labor contracts valid?


Mandatory onboarding documents

• ID Card
• ID Permanent Resident

Statutory benefits

Annual Bonus

Yes, mandatory. It is paid in three equal parts on April 15, August 15, and December 15.

Additional bonus

Doesn’t Apply

Leaves (medical, maternity, paternity, etc.)

Maternity Leave: According to article 107 of the Labor Code, all pregnant employees are entitled to an obligatory paid rest period in the same manner as their work, during the six weeks preceding childbirth and the eight weeks following it. In no case shall the total rest period be less than fourteen weeks, but if there is a delay in childbirth, the worker shall be entitled to be granted, as paid rest, the eight weeks following childbirth. The employer shall cover the difference between the economic subsidy granted by the Social Security Fund for maternity and the remuneration which, in accordance with this article, corresponds to the pregnant worker.

• Paternity leave: The father is entitled to 3 days of leave after the birth and the company compensates him.

• Adoptive mothers: They are entitled to 28 days of paid leave.

Annual Leave (days per year)

A paid annual rest period of 30 days for every 11 continuous months of work, at the rate of one (1) day for every eleven (11) days of service which may be taken from the 1st to the 15th or from the 16th to the 30th, of the corresponding month.
Article 52 in its Article 54 of the Labor Code

How do vacation days expire?

When the labor contract is terminated due to resignation or justified or unjustified dismissal, a payment must be made that includes the unused vacation. It will be paid in cash, at the rate of 1 day for every 11 days worked.

Official Holidays

• 1 Jan, New Year’s Day
• 2 Jan, New Year Holiday
• 9 Jan, Martyrs’ Day
• 21 Feb, Carnival
• 7 Apr, Good Friday
• 1 May, Labor Day
• 3 Nov, Separation Day from Colombia
• 5 Nov, Colón Day
• 6 Nov, Colón Day Holiday
• 10 Nov, Uprising of Los Santos
• 28 Nov, Independence Day from Spain
• 8 Dec, Mother’s Day
• 20 Dec, National Mourning Day
• 25 Dec, Christmas Day

Working on holidays and Sundays

Paid at 100% on top of the regular wage.

Number of Working hours

8 Hours a day, 48 hours per week

•Day Shift: 6:00 am – 6:00 pm
•Night Shift: 6:00 pm – 6:00 am. 7 hours a day, not exceeding 42 hours per week.

Article 31, Labor code.
Article 30, Labor code


Paid at 25% extra on the top of the regular wage when performed in the daytime shift, 50% extra for night work or mixed workday.
75% extra when the overtime is an extension of the night shift or the mixed shift started during the night period.

Article 33, Labor Code

Social Security (what does it cover)

Article 1 of the Law 114 of 1954, stablishes that The Social Security Fund will be in charge of cover
• The risks of illness
• Maternity
• Disability
• Old age
• Widowhood, orphanhood, funeral aid
• Work accidents and occupational diseases


Salary payment currency

Balboa (PAB) or United States Dollar (USD)

Can salary be paid in a different currency other than the local currency?


Payment frequency

Monthly or weekly

VAT percentage

7.00% taxable goods and services, including imports.

Income Tax

Residents and non-residents are taxed at progressive income tax rates ranging from 0% to 25%. For more information see

Tax Payer Identification Number

Taxpayer Identification Number – NIT(Número de Identificación Tributaria)


Voluntary resignation

Resignation without just cause in Panama is a right that workers have and must present in writing to the employer 15 days in advance.

Contract termination

The Labor Code establishes the following as causes for termination of the employment relationship: 
• By mutual consent, provided it is in writing and does not imply waiver of rights. 
• Upon expiration of the agreed term. 
• By the conclusion of the work object of the contract. 
• Due to the death of the employee. 
• For the death of the employer, when it entails as an unavoidable consequence the termination of the contract. 
• For the extension of any of the causes of suspension of the contracts for a term exceeding the maximum authorized in this Code for the respective cause, at the request of the worker. 
• By dismissal based on a justified cause, or resignation of the employee. 
• By unilateral decision of the employer, with the formalities and limitations established in this chapter.

Justified Dismissal

Article 52 of the Labor Code establishes the justified causes that entitle the employer to terminate the employment relationship:
• Of a disciplinary nature
1. Having suffered deception on the part of the worker, by means of the presentation of false documents or certificates, which attribute to him/her qualities, aptitudes or faculties that he/she lacks, when the contract or its modification is entered into in consideration of such special conditions. The employer’s right to terminate the contract for this reason shall expire one month after the date on which the falsity is proven. When it is not a question of certification of suitability for the exercise of a profession, this term shall not exceed one year, counted from the date of the beginning of the employment relationship. the beginning of the work relationship.
2. Incurring the worker, during his work, in acts of violence, threats or insults against the employer, his relatives or members of the managerial staff of the company or business, or against the employer, his relatives or members of the managerial staff of the company or business, or against the employer’s employees. of the company or business, or co-workers, except when provoked.
3. Committing by the employee, outside the work center, against the employee, or members of the management personnel of the company or business, or co-workers, one of the acts described in the previous numeral, if due to the seriousness of such acts it is impossible to continue the contract. the continuation of the contract is impossible.
4. The disclosure, by the employee, without the authorization of his employer, of technical, commercial or manufacturing secrets or the disclosure of confidential administrative matters, the disclosure of which may cause damage to the employer. cause damage to the employer.
5. Incurring the employee, during the execution of the contract, in serious breaches of probity or honesty, or the commission of crimes against property, to the direct detriment of the employer. to the direct detriment of the employer.
6. Intentionally committing material damage to machines, tools, raw materials, products, buildings and other objects immediately related to the work, during the performance of their work or in connection therewith.
7. Causing the worker, with fault on his part, the material damage referred to in the preceding paragraph, provided that it was serious and that the worker’s fault is the sole cause of the damage.
8. Compromising the worker with his imprudence or inexcusable carelessness, the safety of the place where the work is carried out or of the people who are there.
9. The worker manifestly or repeatedly refuses to adopt the preventive measures and procedures indicated to avoid the occupational risks. indicated to avoid occupational hazards.
10. Disobeying the worker, without just cause, and to the detriment of the employer, the orders given by the employer or his representatives in the direction of the work, provided that they were clearly indicated, and that they refer indirectly to the execution of the work, or that they refer indirectly to the execution of the work, or that they refer indirectly to the execution of the work. indirectly to the execution of the contracted work.
11. The absence of the worker from work, without the employer’s permission or without a justified cause, for two Mondays in the course of a month, six Mondays in the course of a year, or three consecutive or alternate days in the course of a year. three consecutive or alternate days in the period of one month. For the purposes of this paragraph, a Monday shall be considered to be the day following a holiday or an alternate day in the period of one month. day following a national holiday or national mourning.
12. Recidivism in the abandonment of work by the employee, which includes the untimely and unjustified leaving of the work center during working hours, without the permission of the employer or his representative, or the repeated refusal of the employee to leave the work center during working hours, without the permission of the employer or his representative, or the repeated refusal of the employee to leave the work center during working hours without the permission of the employer or his representative. the employer or his representative, or the repeated refusal to work without a justified cause in the agreed performance.
13. Recidivism of the worker, in the term of one year, in infringing the prohibitions foreseen in numerals 3, 4, and 5 of article 127.
14. The commission by the employee of trust of acts or omissions, in or out of the service that entail the loss of the employer’s trust.
15. Sexual harassment, immoral or criminal conduct of the employee during the provision of the service.
16. Notorious lack of performance, qualified in accordance with specific technical and professional evaluation systems and regulations, previously approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare or agreed upon in a collective bargaining agreement.
• Of a non-attributable nature
1. The original inability or manifest inefficiency of the employee that makes it impossible to comply with the essential obligations of the contract. This cause may only be invoked by the employer within a term of six months from the date of commencement of the service rendered.
2. The enforceable sentence that imposes on the worker a prison or incarceration penalty, or the fact that the worker who suffers a sentence of arrest or preventive imprisonment does not timely make the notification foreseen in ordinal 2 of article 199, or the passing of the term of one year from the date of detention.
3. The recognition to the worker by the welfare system of the retirement pension, or permanent and definitive permanent disability, after verifying that he/she will receive the respective pension during the following month.
4. The mental or physical incapacity of the worker, duly proven, or the loss of the suitability required by law for the exercise of the profession, which makes impossible the fulfillment of the essential obligations of the contract.
5. The expiration of the term of one year, from the date of suspension of the contract, due to illness or non-professional accident of the employee.
6. The incapacity of the employer when it entails as an unavoidable consequence the termination of the contract.
7. Force majeure or fortuitous event, which entails as a necessary, immediate or indirect consequence the standstill of the employer’s activities.
• Of an economic nature
1. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the employer.
2. The closure of the company or the definitive reduction of the works, due to the notorious and manifest unaffordability of the exploitation or exhaustion of the material object of the extractive activity.
3. The definitive suspension of the work inherent to the contract or the proven decrease in the employer’s activities, due to serious economic crisis, partial unaffordability of operations due to a decrease in production, or due to innovations in manufacturing procedures and equipment, or revocation or expiration of an administrative concession, cancellation of orders or purchase orders, or the decrease in the productive activity of the company in orders or purchase orders or sales, or other analogous cause duly proven by the competent authority.
These are cases of dismissals for economic cause, the following rules shall apply:
a) it shall begin with the workers with the least seniority within the respective categories;
b) once the previous rule has been applied, preference shall be given to Panamanian workers over those who are not, to those who are unionized over those who are not, and to the most efficient over the least efficient;
c) women who are pregnant, even if they are not preferentially covered by the above rules, shall be dismissed last, if absolutely necessary and after compliance with the legal formalities;
d) in equal circumstances, after applying the above rules, workers covered by the union privilege shall have preference over others for their continued employment.

Unjustified Dismissal

When the unjustified dismissal is proven, the employee will have a severance payment that will correspond to his/her seniority time and salary. The amounts are calculated on the wages received during the last 6 months or 30 days, whichever is more convenient for the employee.

If the employee resigns he/she is not entitled to severance pay.
• For pre-notice: In the case of a contract for an indefinite term, neither party may terminate it without giving prior notice to the other, except as provided in Articles 81 and 84 of this Code, under the following rules:
a) upon completion of the probationary period up to one year of service, 30 days’ notice.
b) for more than one year and up to five years of service, 45 days’ notice.
c) for more than five and up to ten years of seniority, 60 days’ notice.
d) more than ten years of seniority and thereafter, 90 days’ notice.
• For severance pay: In the event of dismissal without just cause ordered by the employer, whether or not notice has been given, the employer shall pay the employee an indemnity equivalent to 15 days’ wages for each year of service or a fraction of six months, calculated in the manner mentioned in subsection b) of the following article.

Minimum Notice Period

Notice periods are commonly 30 days.


Visa process

The interested party should engage the services of a lawyer to carry out the procedures.
1. The first thing to do is to go to the National Immigration Service of Panama to obtain a Residency Visa.
* It should be noted that the delivery of this permit can only be done after having obtained the Panamanian Residence Visa.
2. Submit general information about the applicant, such as address, original and copy of the visa, and duration of the activity or work to be performed, among others.
3. In this instance, the activities to be performed by the applicant must be clarified, since there is a list of professional workers that are taken into account for the Work Permit in Panama.
4. Once this information is provided, the lawyer begins the process of requesting the work permit.
5. The Ministry of Labor (MITRADEL) enabled the process for the work permit in the online modality.

Visa documents

• Power of attorney and request through a lawyer in a simple paper, original, and copy.
• Certificate issued by the National Immigration Service, where the migratory status of the applicant is stated (8.00 stamps).
• Copy duly verified before a Notary Public of the approved ID card or in the process issued by the National Immigration Service, or a copy of the Permanent Resident ID card, authenticated by the National Directorate of Identification Cards.
• Copy of the university diploma or degree, certified by a Panamanian notary public, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate, degree, duly apostilled or legalized.
• Four passport-size photos with the applicant’s name written on the back. Paragraph 1. When requesting the extension of this type of permit, it will not be necessary to present the document mentioned in item 4.

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